Tuesday, May 21, 2013

I finally went on my computer and drew up the idea I have for the bedroom closet.

Tada!  I'm not too sure as to if I want there to be a back or not.  I think it would be a little bit more stable with the back in.  I'm also not sure if I want it to be black or tan.  Black out match the shelf that we have that's similar to it, but tan would match the cabinet thing already in the bedroom (and can't get rid of.  Bummer.)  It looks like the only measurement that I didn't put down was the height of the shelves, which would be 1' 3".  This thing would find snuggly in the space on top of the shelf.

I know, I'm sort of breaking from my plans of a room a month, but I wanted to show my husband something that we can do with that wood he so desperately wants to make the entertainment center out of.  Like I said before, he's not a big fan of it because he wants to use--storage bins *dun dun duuun!*.  Didn't read why I don't like storage bins?  This is the link to read about those horrendous things!

*Update:  So today, my husband decided that we were going to use the wood that we already have to make a display rack for our bows.  I don't really mind, just as long as it looks good and not like some junky thing like the coat hanger he made.  Kudos for ingenuity though.  I'll eventually post a picture of that coat hanger.  It might be when I get started on organizing the living room.

Have a great day!

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